It has been almost nine years since I have blogged. I adore going back to read. I am sure I am the only one who visits this site any more. It is mostly to find old photos. But every now and then I will read a bit of what I wrote.
I loved blogging back in the day when it was more popular. I got out of the habit and it never became part of my routine again. Actually, once Rives was born I couldn't seem to find the time. Little did I know that life would only get busier.
I was talking to a friend yesterday about how very rarely do I read parents writing, either on social media or in a blog post, about their college students. I see Instagram posts called "nine tips for helping your college student make friends" or "what to do when your college student comes home for Christmas". But what I don't find are my peers sharing the heartache of having a college student.
Not to be dramatic, but wow is there heartache. Watching my girl navigate friendships, classes, social clubs, and soccer has been a lot for me so I can only imagine what it has been like for her.
The hardest part for her, and me to be honest, has been the friendship aspect-or lack thereof.
She was burned at the end of high school and just has not recovered from that loss. To be fair, she played her part in the "break" but my goodness the punishment did not seem to fit the crime.
She went through a break-up with a boy her junior year of high school and I believe the break from the friends is more lasting. It has damaged her self-confidence, her feeling of worth, and her ability to reach out to new people this year. And it has broken my heart to watch her navigate everything.
I want to brow beat the girls that hurt her. I want to tell them that what they have done to her is 1000 times worse than the mistake she made. I want to do that but would never. Just in my head. Don't follow me for maturity tips.
I also kind of hate "life 360" because she is able to see where new friends are at all times. Often times it is not with her but they are all together. That is tough. Matthew and I have encourage her to put herself out there, text people to do something with, find friends to study with. So much easier said than done, I get it. She has a few safe friends that she can reach out to but it is just not the same as what she is seeing happen on the "socials".
I believe that because of this heartache of not having friends and not having much confidence in that area it is causing a lack of confidence in other areas. Specifically classes. Man, that has been a learning curve too. My super smart girl has struggled in her super hard classes and that has been a bit of a blow too.
ANYWAY, enough complaining and bellyaching. I know that she is getting stronger because of these trials. She will come out stronger and she IS having some good times too. I know she has had some laughs and she adores her roommate. That has been a huge blessing.
I wish that there was a comfort level to sharing trials of the college mom/student. Because I sure do need a "how to" book like I had when she was a baby girl. Because of the book Baby Wise I made that girl cry it out and I knew she would be okay....BECAUSE THE BOOK TOLD ME SHE WOULD BE. I need a book about "crying it out" the freshman year of college. Maybe I should write it. But it will likely not be a "how to" but more of a "good luck" book.
I am so proud of my college freshman. She is making it and man, that is something. She is going to her classes, not missing any practices, keeping her laundry mostly clean and her room clean-ish. I love her. And I am very very very prayerful that her next semester is one of joy and confidence. She sure could use that boost.
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