Wednesday, July 25, 2007


We arrived in Mississippi today around 4:30pm. Our drive took a little under 10 hours. We shaved some time off of the previous visit in March...way to go us! I was very impressed with our stops...only TWO of them and that is something to brag about with a very pregnant passenger. I kept my liquid intake to a minimum. Hopefully my bladder can maintain the same strength on my trip to Nashville Friday.

Nora has had a marvelous time so far...her favorite has been to sit in the swivel chair and have someone turn her around. She looks a little drunk when she gets out of the chair though.

We are off to the pool in the morning.

I leave Friday morning, bright and early, for a reunion with my college friends. I think there are going to be 10 of us there! Last year, we were brave and drug our children along. This year, we are smarter, and are not having any kids (with the exception of sweet 1 month old Max Magar). Matthew will be hanging out at his dad's with Nora while I spend 2 nights away. This is the longest I have left my baby girl and I am looking forward to it! I am sure I will miss her, but I am looking forward to some serious rejuvenating time!

I had a doctor's appointment on glucose levels were great (I assume because I haven't heard from the doctor's office) and I am still measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I hate measuring big. I melted down (when I was alone) about being so big. I mean, I am really trying to go in for an appointment one day and the doctor says to me, "Hey, you're right on schedule...great!". He assures me it is not a weight thing but a uterus thing. Whatever, all I see are the pounds. I know, I know, I know, I will not be a huge preggo for the rest of my life...just 9 more weeks, but come on, my ego could use a boost!

I write this, not to gain sympathy from anyone, but to simply write. This is my blog and my outlet, whether it be to share photos and antics of my little girl, or to write about what I am thinking/feeling. As mentioned above, I am going to Nashville Friday to see dear, dear friends. I am confident they will not judge me for my gigantic belly or expanding everything else, but, it is hard to think that I will probably be the Carnie Wilson in the group. Why do I let it get to me? BTW, if you are preg. DO NOT get the magazine with the big headline "BEACH BODIES" on it. It shows celebrity women before/after pregnancy in their swimsuits. I don't think it is healthy for you to put yourself through that.

I will update on Monday when we get home. I will post pictures of our trips. I'm off to bed!


Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

I UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY about everything you just wrote...amen about blogs being a place to vent...and i laughed out loud when i came across the words Carnie Wilson. I feel the same way, girl. hang in there!

Jamie Chitty said...

She is growing up so fast. Before you know it you will have two and Nora will be 12 and asking if she can shave her legs.

Julie said...

I remember feeling the same way! However, when I saw you earlier this month you looked great!

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