Saturday, October 04, 2008

Running/bladder update

I'm sure most of you are curious about the ole' bladder situation while running.

I am extremely happy to report that the leakage has quit. YEA! I have been doing my "exercises" faithfully and I'm pretty sure that is the reason for Miss Bladder not being as weepy.

It's a nice feeling to run in dry clothing.

Last weekend, while my sister was here, we ran 6 miles. And I felt like I could have gone about 6 more. I was feeling like I should probably start training for the complete marathon.

Too confident? Ya think.

Today I went out to run 7 miles. And I almost couldn't do it.

My confidence that was up so high is now seriously low. I don't know what the problem was.

Perhaps I was running too fast (very likely since I am terrible at pacing myself); maybe dehydrated; it could have been because I was running into the wind; the 90 degree hill that I ran up...I'll never know.

I think the real problem was that I did not run enough during the week. I just got lazy. I plan to remedy that this week and be ready for my 8 mile run next Saturday.

What I think would make it better though is a running buddy. Do I have any takers? Come on, start running today and you will probably be ready to run the 8 miles with me next weekend.

I'm off to take a nap now. My bones are aching and I think they deserve a rest.

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Whitney said...

7 miles- that's great! And great news about the bladder- I'm glad your exercises worked!

Courtney said...

Hey. Just stopped by your blog. Your little girls are precious.
Glad the bladder thing is better!

Summer said...

I would LOVE to be your running buddy! Two problems: we live too far, and I am not running more than 3.5 miles. You are so inspring and making me want to run farther- and more often!
Keep up the good work!

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

yyyyyaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy! im going to have to try that...

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