Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Recap...

is going to happen later.

I just looked at my picture folder and am a little bit overwhelmed by the amount of editing that needs to take place.

If I wasn't so busy completely rearranging my house, going through old toys and putting new ones away, finding new places for new goodies received over Christmas, playing with my kids, and enjoying my husband's last week off of work, I would probably find some time to go through them.

But, it's not gonna happen today.

We got a new TV yesterday. A bigger one.

It's a new fangeled thing called "flat screen".

Sadly, the actual "tv" part of it doesn't work yet. The DISH man comes Friday.

I've been told that several bowl games are happening between now and then.

Sad times.

We are watching a lot of movies right now.

Stay tuned...many, many pictures will be coming. (hopefully!)

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