Sunday, September 26, 2010


So, things have been super-duper busy around here lately.

And my blog has definitely been pushed to the back burner. My kids are never going to forgive me.

The girls and I got home today from Texas. We were able to attend my cousins baby shower while we were there. She is 27 weeks pregnant with TWINS GIRLS. It was a blessing to be there. And I cannot imagine the amount of laundry she is going to have in the next few months.

My baby turns 3 on Friday...sigh. My heart is so full with love for her and she makes me laugh every single day. How is it possible she is going to be THREE?

Our house is still not done...ha. Matthew got things kind of settled in our house while we were gone. Our bedroom was looking like a war zone and now it doesn't look so bad. Our "office" is now our closet for the time being. My sweet husband knows how to woo me...hang my clothes up.

My girls are getting so smart! Nora is trying to write everything. She is constantly asking me "how do you spell....?". She is always drawing and coloring. She started soccer and did pretty well. She is so sweet.

Elyn recited the pledge of allegiance tonight. I posted it on Facebook and if I wasn't so lazy, I would get up and get my cord to download the video from my phone...maybe tomorrow. She is so cute. Elyn is starting to identify letters and is getting pretty good at coloring.

So, our life is currently upside down but we are adjusting and learning how adaptable we are. We are surprising ourselves. We are both working more than we have in the last four and a half years and literally living out of boxes-but we are doing well.

1 comment:

Holly Aytes said...

Glad things are starting to settle in. I know how hard it was to settle into a house that was move in ready I am sure it is much harder to live it one while remodeling! I can't believe Elyn will be 3....seems like you just posted pictures of her as a newborn!

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