Friday, October 01, 2010

3 years


Elyn Ann, You turned 3-years-old today.  I absolutely cannot believe that fact.

The past 3 years have been anything but boring.  You are constantly keeping us on our toes and amazing us with your sense of humor and crazy mood swings (that you seems to only reserve for your mama).

You have such a sweet heart and are so loving.  I can fill up your love bank by just sitting with you and playing any game you want.  If I held you all day long, you would be so content.  You LOVE being around people.  Tonight, we were going to watch a movie, the new Tinkerbelle movie that you got for your birthday.  Instead of watching it though, you insisted on hanging out with Nonna and playing with her.  Nora enjoyed the movie though.

You started going to pre-school this year and are really enjoying it.  I still feel the “mother guilt” for sending you 3 days a week, but you ask me to go even on the off days.  You are learning so much at school.  I am so proud of you!  (Fingers crossed that you make a lot of money and take care of your daddy and me when we are old and crippled.)

It is a joy every single day to be your mama!  Even on the days that I think I am going to lose my EVER LOVING MIND, I go check on you before I go to bed and remember how much I love you and how much you fill up my life.

We are going to celebrate with your friends tomorrow and you are so excited!  I love you Elyn.  Thank you for loving me so much, even when I don’t deserve it.

You’re my favorite 3-year-old!



Holly Aytes said...

Happy Birthday Elyn! Hope you have a wonderful party :)

Marty Rhea Hill said...

Balling!!! I love her so much and am so happy to be her aunt. Can't wait to see you on Monday. Love to you all.

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