Thursday, August 18, 2011

3 months old


This sweet boy turned 3 months old yesterday!  I cannot imagine our lives without him!

Do you see that smile that he is showing off in his picture?  Well, we are lucky enough to see that smile multiple times a day, sometimes followed by a precious giggle.  We love him so much!

He is such a good baby.  I tell every single person that comments on his pleasant personality that he is THE BEST BABY EVER!  I think I might be giving him a big head already.  But he deserves it!  He is the best! 

His sisters were sweet babies as well but no where as near as easy as he has been.  I don’t know if it is because he is a boy or if it is because he is the third and forced to go with the flow, but I’d take 10 more just like him.

He makes me melt with one little look.  I could eat him up and steal millions of kisses every day.

I want him to stay exactly this age forever…please Rives, stay just like this.

Here is what he is up to:

  • Eats during the day, every three hours.  Bless his heart.  He usually “eats out”.  I am either feeding him in the van, a building, a restaurant or someone else’s house.  He rarely gets a meal at home.  Thankfully, I am ALWAYS with him so his food is readily available.
  • Quite a few people have asked about his schedule.  I have no idea what it is other than he eats every 3 hours.  I don’t know what his nap schedule looks like or his optimal play time.  I’m horrible.  Most of his naps are in his car seat and I throw him on the floor to roll around when we get an opportunity.  Poor third kid.
  • Speaking of rolling around…he has rolled from tummy to back a few times.  I have yet to capture one of those times on video though.  It seems like every time I pull it out he doesn’t want to perform.  Camera shy, I guess.
  • He is “talking” quite a bit.  He imitates us and oohs and ahhs a lot.  So sweet!
  • He is a fabulous sleeper!  He typically goes to bed between 8 and 8:30 at night and will sleep until 4:30-5:30.  If I went to sleep when he did I would be very well rested.  But, I haven’t gotten that smart yet.  As far as naps, see above.
  • His sisters still love him like crazy.  Elyn tells me a lot that we have the best baby (possibly because she hears me say it all the time-ha!).  They are so good with him!  Nora cracks me up because sometimes she’ll be in the living room with him while Matthew and I are in different rooms of the house.  She’ll yell, “Mom, can you take care of Rives now?” Ha ha!  I didn’t realize I had asked her to babysit.
  • He has horrible cradle cap!  We try to wash his hair at least three times a week with Selsun Blue and a toothbrush.  It has gotten better and is starting to flake off (baby dandruff alert) but he still has a bad case!
  • He is starting to wear 3-6 month clothes.  The 0-3 month ones are definitely getting to be too small.  I still shove him in them sometimes because I haven’t switched his drawers over.  He is also still being shoved into a size one diaper.  I am trying to finish up the last box and then I will move on to the super comfy/roomy size two diapers.
  • He shows no preference of “stationary holders” (bouncy seat, swing, etc.).  He’s pretty content to sit in any of them.
  • I think I’m his favorite because he does light up like I’m a rock star when he sees me…I am the food source, afterall.
  • He is an excellent car traveler! Thank goodness!  We drive many miles a day taking his sisters to and from school.  We went on a long trip in June and have made a few shorter trips since then.  Again, very laid back personality (fingers crossed it stays that way!)
  • His eyes have ALREADY turned brown.  My dream of having a blue-eyed baby have been destroyed…sigh.
  • He is able to grab toys that are hanging over his head and enjoys kicking toys with his foot too.
  • I was singing to him yesterday and he started crying…hmmmmm.

He is such a perfect addition to our family!  When the girls are having their dramatic episodes and I am at the end my rope with their emotions, I look at his sweet face and think, “You’re my favorite child such a blessing!”

We love you so much Rives!


Kristen OQ said...

Seth had HORRIBLE cradle cap. best thing we used to get rid of it...equal parts dawn and olive oil. Rub on with cotton ball and leave for about 5-10 minutes. rinse off. Repeat for a couple of days and it will disappear!

He sure is a cute baby! And seems like the typical personality of a third kid. It is survival to be mellow I think!

Holly Aytes said...

He is beautiful! I just can't believe he is 3 months old already. Glad he is proving to be an easy baby!

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