Monday, May 19, 2008

Blogging friends part two

I got my swimsuit in the mail this morning. I don't look like the model, but I don't look horrible. So, I won't send it back. It did make me realize that a few (hundred) sit ups wouldn't hurt before the swimsuit makes its debut.

Now, what you came back for. The second part of my list.

Harsh family-Jeff is the only contributor to this blogsite. Even though he is great, I mainly click on to see pictures of his children. His sweet wife, Erin, was a great friend of mine at Harding who, if I'm lucky, get to see at our yearly girl get-togethers.
Heather-I only know Heather through the world of blogging. She is a friend of a friend. Heather has some adorable nieces and nephews that she showcases frequently. Oh, and a huge Alabama fan.
Horner family-I know the Horners from Camp Tahkodah. They have very recently added an adorable little boy to their duo. I am excited about adding them to my blogroll and learning all about them and their precious boy.
Jamie(private blog)-I knew Jamie at Harding and lived across the complex from her in Nashville. Jamie lives a "Sex in the City" life right now, except she lives it in New York and London! Stuff dreams are made of. When I was at Harding I was on the IRT, which basically means I went to clubs during pledging to make sure they weren't torturing Freshman. Mostly it was a boring task, but occasionally, I got assigned to something worth my time. The night that I got assigned to "Kojies" was definitely worth my time! Jamie, along with 2 of her friends and their pledges did the most amazing dance routine. I still think about them when I hear the soundtrack to FlashDance.
Jana-Jana is the first teacher-friend I met when I moved to NW Ark. She has proven to be a true friend. She recently moved to Boston with her husband and two children and is loving the New England life.
Jennifer-Matthew and Jennifer went to Harding Academy together. She has 3 adorable children who she so obviously enjoys spending time with. Her family has a super love of Six Flags and seem to be the ideal tour guide through Looney Toones land. A memory I have of Jennifer is from their 10 year class reunion. She was overdue with her second baby, or maybe she was due the next day. Either way, she was VERY pregnant and VERY energetic. I was absolutely amazed at her energy. She was one of the last to leave the party. She still shows off that same energy in her blog. Wherever she gets her energy, I need some of it!
Jim-Jim is a Searcy friend of mine. I knew him at Harding, mainly through Zeta Rho. Thankfully, I was able to get to know him (and his lovely wife) better when Matthew and I joined their Sunday School class. Being the caring people they are, they felt sorry for us and invited us to their Home Bible Study. sidebar: Most of my friends got a diploma and a wedding ring within a span of 5 to 6 months. I did not marry until (gasp!) the ripe old age of 26 (which seems like a baby to me now). While Matthew and I were newlyweds, we did not fit in with the other College Church of Christ newlyweds...they were 12 years old. Okay, not really, but it felt like that. God blessed us with a class at church that had several other married couples in it without children. Although they were out of the "newlywed" stage, they still welcomed us into their group with open arms. And the Millers were the ringleaders. We are thankful for that!
Julie-My cousin. So, I've known her a while. She is a stay-at-home mommy to Bailey, who is 11 weeks younger than Nora. I am so glad they are close in age and wish they could see each other more often. I have many, many memories of Julie from when we were little. I always thought that she (along with her twin sister) had the best toys when they were little. Isn't that always the case, you think what you don't have is better than your own toys. Anyway, I remember they had a Sit-n-Spin and I loved it. And wanted it. I remember that so vividly that I picked up Nora one for $1.00 at a garage sale on Friday. Now, I'm just on the lookout for the red Flintstones car that Julie had, that I never did, that I want for Nora. Thanks for always having the best toys Julie!
Julie N.(private blog)-I got to know Julie while she was student teaching. I DID NOT enjoy teaching that year and she was a ray of sunshine in my life. She was about to get married (and graduate) and was looking forward to her new life. Well, little Julie now has two girls. One named Norah and one a week older than Elyn. And she is just as beautiful as back then.
Julie W.-I have written about Julie several times on my blog. She was my best friend from 7th grade on. I don't have many memories from Weatherford that don't include Julie. I have one story that I think is pretty funny. When we were probably juniors, maybe seniors, we were at Julie's house with two other friends. One of these other friends hurt herself somehow, maybe cut her finger or had a splinter. She looked at Julie and asked if she had any alcohol she could use. Julie and I BOTH assumed she was going to self-medicate and use some of the liquid to take the edge off. Julie said, "Um...I think we have some wine in the house." And I'm thinking, "I cannot believe she just asked Julie for something to drink! That is really putting her in an awkward position." The friend looks at us and says, "Rubbing alcohol." Ha, ha, ha, ha. Julie has an amazing memory, but I wonder is she remembers that.

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James E. Miller said...

Thanks for the kind shout-out.

However, I disagree. Sara and I were still in the "newlywed" stage when we were all in Bible study together.

We had no kids, and, if I remember correctly, I had highlights in my hair.

That constitutes young and newlywed...

Dallas said...

Ha ha ha Jim. I didn't consider you guys newlyweds. Although you had highlights and no kids, you drove a minivan.

Case closed.

Julie Walker said...

I totally remember the rubbing alcohol! That was hilarious and proved how nieve we were!

Jenn said...

You are so funny...I totally had forgotten about the very overdue and pregnant reunion. Susie was born on that very next Monday...2 weeks late!!
Here is a big dose of morning energy coming your way....we are off to the park with our church play group!!

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