Saturday, May 17, 2008

Who are all these people?

We landscaped (as Matthew said earlier) today. Landscaping in our world means planting flowers and laying down mulch. The flowers are pretty and I hope we don't kill them. We are notorious for killing anything that is potted, but in the flowerbeds, we are champions. It was a good day.

Now, I am exhausted and sitting on the couch with my feet up. I have the laptop in my lap and thought I would talk about the people on the left side of my blog page. Several people have done this in the past and I always enjoy reading what people say about me. If your name is on the left side, well here's to you:

Amy (private blog)- I went to Harding with Amy. While we were not close friends at Harding, I have enjoyed getting to know her through her blog. She is BEAUTIFUL and a great mom to FOUR. And the girl looks like amazing!
Amy Bowman- I met Amy while I lived in Nashville. One of my most vivid memories of her is when she lost her engagement ring. It slipped right off her finger! And she is married to a pretty laid back guy, thank goodness! I'm happy to report it was replaced and just as pretty as the original. She has a great blog about her adorable little boy and his triumphs/struggles in the world of autism.
Ashley-Ashley and I pledged Zeta Rho together in 1995. And we have been friends since then. She has two adorable children, Ranger and Lucy (who was born a mere 10 days after Elyn). On top of being a great mom/wife, she is a marathon runner and triathlete. She is my inspiration! I love Ashley and her personality. She is one-of-a-kind and a beautiful friend!
Baker family-Although I have "Baker family" as the link, Amy B. is the main contributor. I knew Amy at Harding and was in Sunday School with her and Andrew the year Matthew and I lived in Searcy (the first year we were married). She is a dorm mom to 180 and a mommy to 3. Recently, she has "stepped it up" in the blogging department and I really enjoy her writing and honesty.
Brittney-A friend of my sister's while they were at Harding together and sister to my friend, Summer. A mommy to two little girls and another lover of hairbows.
Brooke-Brooke and I were at Harding at the same time. I love Brooke's blog! Hers is a blog I stalked before starting my own. Last year, Brooke and her husband adopted a precious little girl from Ethiopia. Brooke always springs to my mind when I wear platform sandals (and I don't very often). She slipped off of the platform one time resulting in a cast.
Brooke H.-Brooke and I were at Harding at the same time and in the Education department together. We had a mutual dislike for a teacher who I will not name because too many people from Harding read my blog and I don't want hurt feelings. If you are a teacher in the ed. department and read my blog, don't worry, it's not you. Brooke and I also worked at Colton's together and we both called our boss by the incorrect name. Geeez. Brooke and Ashley were also my instructors during my first (and last) scrapbooking adventure.
Byrd family (private blog)-I got to know the Byrds the first year Matthew and I were married and we were in the same Sunday School class. Wes was actually the ice cream delivery man at Camp Tahkodah while I worked there...the best delivery guy of them all.
Carol FHB-aka-Simone. I have known Carol since I was in the 7th grade, thanks to her sister, Julie. So many memories of Carol...watching her iron her hair in her bedroom, carpooling with her every single morning, passing out cherry sours to everyone after the communion at church, and many, many more. She just found out she is having a baby girl and is a little excited. Fabulous writer, but she always has been.
Chandra-Pledged with Chandra in 1995. I am so sad that Chandra and I did not become closer friends while we were at Harding. It is absolutely ridiculous that we did not. I'm sure it was my fault. Oh, well, I am completely enjoying her blog and getting to know her better through that. She is a tip-top mommy to a little boy. And she lives a fantasy life. In a picturesque house right next to New York City. But, she is a Texas girl at heart.
Dallas Heasley-Yep, another Dallas. We go to church together and when we write our names on cups at get-togethers, we can't write "Dallas" and we can't write "Dallas H." so she writes "Dallas-the one with boys" and I write "Dallas-the one with girls". We also have the same birthday. And Nora loves her youngest boy.
Danielle (private blog)-My newest friend in NW Arkansas. We are soooo glad the Balentines moved here! Danielle is about to find out what her second child will be. And she is a great mom to precious Ellie. I think we have potential to be great friends...I hope so.
Danna- I went to Harding with Danna. I recently found a picture of her dancing during Spring Sing for a show I helped with. She looked like she knew exactly what she was doing. Like Chandra, I wish I had known her better because I'm pretty sure she would have made me laugh all the time. She does on her blog. She has three girls and probably dreams in pink. When our third child turns out to be a girl (in a few years), I will look to her for all kinds of drama-reducing techniques.
Deborah-I knew Deborah at Harding. I once helped her husband, Pat, with some Spring Sing choreography. He was obviously raised CofC. But, I do remember Deborah being able to dance with the best of them...she had quite the moves. Now, she is a mommy to two boys and has a heart for God...well, she always had that.
Elizabeth-I was in Zeta Rho with Elizabeth. She has two precious children and an embroidery machine that I hear is incredible. I'm a little jealous about that.
Floyd family-Jennifer went to school with Matthew for a long time, since 2nd or 3rd grade? I just made that up, I don't really know. What I do know is that she is the ultimate keeper of memories. At their 10 year class reunion, I was amazed at the amount of stuff that Jennifer had. She was way before her time in scrapbooking. I'm sure her new little girl, Emma, will benefit from that.
Garrett family-Pledged Zeta Rho with Michelle. The only person I have ever met that plays the accordion. Michelle always knows how to have fun...I want to be more like her.
Goode family(private blog)-We got to know the Goode's our first married year in Searcy. Sadly, we didn't get to know them too well. They had a new baby girl and were pretty focused on her (understandably). That little girl is now five and has a brother or sister joining her at the end of the year. I have enjoyed getting to know Cassie better through her blog.
Hale family-The Hales used to live in NW Arkansas before moving to Texas. We were in the same small group with them and miss them so much! Thankfully, we get to visit them when we are in Texas for extended visits.

Okay, I'm tired! Stay tuned for more bios.

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Danna Ramsey said...

Thanks for the shout out. I need to try this with mine. You do know that I click over here for the daily belly laughs (aka ab work-out). Todays laugh? You and Pat doing a dance. :)

Amy S. said...

You sure do know how to make a girl feel good about herself! THANK YOU!

TeamBortzfield said...

Thanks Dallas! Everything I know about hot-rolling my hair I learned from you.
Brigitte~ Vous avez le famille de reve, deux petite filles!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sweet words! I wish we'd known each other better, too! I do remember our walks from Searcy Hall to Mr. Williams dumb english comp class that we took way late in our college careers...I just started getting to know you better right before we graduated...nice timing. Definitely a shame, but I'm getting to know you better through your hilarious blog!

Desiree said...

Wes thanks you for the shout out, he remembers both you and matthew out there. I really enjoy reading your blog, someday I will "step it up" and get into this blogging thing.

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