Monday, April 02, 2007

Doctor's visit

I went to the doctor today for my first "official" appointment. It was quite eventful to say the least. I got there early because I had to sign the insurance contract and pay some money. Then, I went back to the waiting room and waited...and waited...and waited. It took forever for them to call my name. My actual appointment was for 10:40am. I told Matthew that I would call him when it was over and maybe we could go grab some lunch (he had teacher meeting all day and was going to get a lunch break). He called me at 11:00 to say that he was leaving school. I told him I was still in the waiting room, just to come on to the doctor's office. Boy, was I glad that he did!

A few minutes after he got there, the nurse called us back. I had to do the "weigh-in" (always my favorite part...note sarcasm) first. The nurse had us sit and told me that the doc would be in soon. So we waited a few more minutes. Actually this wait was not bad at all...he was very speedy. Probably because the hospital had just called him and told him that one of his patients was about to start pushing...nice.

I am 13 weeks along, so we knew that this was the visit where we were going to get to hear the heartbeat. The doctor pulled out his doppler and tried for several minutes to hear it, but with no luck. I could see the panic in his eyes and I started to feel it too. Actually, I was getting tears in my eyes. Did I mention that I was so glad that Matthew was there? He poked around on my stomach and tried to get the baby to wake up and move so possibly he could hear the heartbeat. He still couldn't and told us that he was going to order an ultrasound right away. Well, I lost it...I was crying so hard. All the bad stories I had ever heard ran through my head at that moment.

Matthew and I went down the hall to the ultrasound doctor with heavy hearts. We were not expecting anything positive to happen. The doctor saw us immediately. He tried to put us at ease, but I was still crying. When he turned on the monitor to begin the ultrasound, I closed my eyes...I didn't want to see anything.

After about 3 seconds of silence, he said, "Well, there is the baby and there is the heartbeat!". I cried even harder-tears of joy! He explained that the reason our doctor couldn't find the heartbeat with his doppler is because this baby is a MOVER. It moved the entire time during the ultrasound. So much so that the ultrasound doctor had a hard time figuring our a heart rate. He eventually snuck up on the baby to get a rate and it is 166 beats per minute (boy or girl? I don't know).

Matthew and I were so happy and so emotional...I'm sure you understand! Many prayers of thanksgiving were offered up in those few minutes.

So, the baby is healthy and active. Here is a picture. You can see the head and spine really well. I go back in 4 weeks and hopefully the doppler will do its job!

Thank you for your prayers!


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that ya'll went through that! I am also very thankful that it ended well...what a blessing. We had a great time with sweet Nora Sunday. She is so cute!

Kim said...

I am so thankful things turned out well, I was almost in tears myself as I read your entry. How exciting for you to know your little one is growing well. I hope everything continues to go well.

James E. Miller said...

What an emotional whirlwind....praise God for a healthy baby.

James E. Miller said...

last post by Sara

Sandi said...

So glad that everything was okay. What a hard visit -- I'm so glad Matthew could be there with you.

Kristen OQ said...

What an emotional day for you and Matthew. That same thing happened to me a few times with Seth. I would always get this pit feeling in my stomach when I would go to the doctor...even when I was 8 months pregnant and watched my stomach lurch with him moving! Like I said, I was a major worry wort the 2nd time around.

So glad that things are healthy! When is the official due date?

amy said...

I had to skip to the end to make sure everything was alright when I was reading, then went back and read the whole thing... I am so thankful that the baby appears healthy!!!

We wish we could have visited with you on Sunday... I only got to see you through the car window, and even then, I wasn't sure who Brad was waving to until he told me!!!

Glad you had safe travels.


Julie said...

Your mom called me yesterday and told me about your "scare". I was so happy to hear everything was alright. You and I both know how scary it can be to have a "false alarm" (I had another ectopic scare with Bailey). I know everything will go smoothly with this active little baby! We love all four of y'all.

Jamie Chitty said...

Whew!! That sounds like one rough day. I am so happy that the baby is ok. So it's a mover. Know what that means? You have a furture dancer in your belly.

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